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Paws and Peers
Paws & Peers seeks to meet the social and emotional needs of Mesa Public Schools students and staff. These dogs serve as trusted companions in classrooms, and counseling, nurse, or administrative offices for crisis intervention, behavioral de-escalation, or simply to address stress, anxiety and/or isolation.
More About Paws & Peers
PBIS is a whole school three-tiered approach to decreasing disruptive behaviors and increasing student success and achievement. PBIS is the system, data, and practices required to achieve measurable outcomes.
More About PBIS
Speech Therapy
Speech Language Therapy is a treatment method for children who have speech or language delays or disorders. According to the Nemours Foundation website, "a speech disorder refers to a problem with the actual production of sounds, whereas a language disorder refers to a difficulty understanding or putting words together to communicate ideas."
More About Speech Therapy